
Tommy Ackerman
(Tommy Woodard)

Eddie Sanders
(Eddie James)
If you’ve ever been part of a church, you likely know someone similar to Eddie Sanders. This harmonica-playing chiropractor doesn’t see his glass as half full; it’s overflowing with blessings! He and his family are the two-time defending champions of the Camp Katokwah Cup and he plans to do whatever it takes to make it a threepeat!

Grace Ackerman
(Leigh-Allyn Baker)

Victoria Sanders
(Gigi Orsillo)
While the Sanders clan is seemingly an amazing family that everyone loves and admires, things aren’t always as they appear on the outside. Thankfully, Victoria has a great sense of humor and a strong faith to help her persevere as she looks to make things better.

Hannah Ackerman
(Cece Kelly)

(Robert Amaya)
Joel, the director of Camp Katokwah, has worked at camp for as long as anyone can remember. A happy bachelor, he does all he can to steer clear of Cookie, who long has had her eyes on him. Could there be a love connection in the cards?

(Heather Land)
Cookie is the camp chef whose unrequited love for Joel, the camp director, leaves her thinking she might have to cook up something special to get his attention.

Pastor Dave
(Mark Christopher Lawrence)

Hipster Worship Leader
(Rhett Walker)
The Hipster Worship Leader comes out of nowhere to a starring role singing “Family Is Family” at Camp Katokwah (a song Rhett Walker happened to co-write and record).

Brian Cates